Plan miasta Gate Helmsley

Gate Helmsley - Najnowsze wiadomości:

Ten Biggest Real Estate Price Drops

Leona Helmsley's Greenwich estate, Dunnellen Hall first hit the market for $125 million last year. The home is a brick mansion with an entrance that features iron gates and a long driveway culminating in a courtyard with a 70-foot ...
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Animal groups in court over Helmsley fortune (source: SF Gate)

Leona Helmsley's dog, Trouble, may be living quietly enough in Florida, but there's a lot of barking about the way the late hotel queen's millions are being given away. Three of the country's largest animal welfare groups on Monday ...
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The Tyee ? Vancouver#39;s Library Strike: Women#39;s Pay on the Line

You know, work for myself, self-employed, no bvacations/b, benefits, sick days or pensions. Not even a bloody tea break! Have to pay those taxes and all those bills, you know. My assistant was upset. Apparently, while was heading up from the b..../b But, it's equally fair and valid for me to say - on the basis of reading a lot more than the Economist - that despite all the good intentions (including those of Bill bGates/b and Warren Buffett) - things are still going quickly ...
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